A thousand years ago a monk, dressed in black, wandered about the desert, somewhere in Syria or Arabia. Some miles from where he was, some fisherman saw another black monk, who was moving slowly over the surface of a lake. This second monk was a mirage. From that mirage there was cast another mirage, then from that other a third, so that the image of the black monk began to be repeated endlessly from one layer of the atmosphere to another. So that he was seen at one time in Africa, at another in Spain, then in Italy, then in the Far North. Then he passed out of the atmosphere of the earth, and now he is wandering all over the universe, still never coming into conditions in which he migh disappear.
Thanks for listening, JP
I imagine you under the shower and I identify myself in the drops of water that run down your body gently caressing you. I would like to be the foam that caresses and envelops you and now the water that rediscovers you shining and wet.
My personal interpretation and transformation into a Rock song of a beautiful melody played by Erwan with violin at
I accompanied Erwan with the lead guitar. In the final part I added a powerful drums and distorted guitar, then solo.
Thanks for listening...JeanPaul
Morality is doing what is right, regardless of what you are told. Obedience is doing what you are told, regardless of what is right. In the history of humanity, massacres and genocides have been committed by those who obeyed, without asking themselves any doubts or questions about what they were told to do...thanks for listening, JeanPaul
Drums and lead guitar, with my wikifriends Stefano(It) and bassman(Fr), full of emotions with keyboards and a fantastic bass. Free verse and bridge for the voice.
Track full of energy, synth and guitar, on the motif of Abacab by Genesis...forming a common front for Freedom...absolute imperative against Dictatorships, music is also thought and this is a thought of Freedom for everyone. Thanks for listening, JeanPaul
....listen also: Massive Uprising at
Cotard Syndrome, or "Dead Man Syndrome", is living thinking you are dead. The person thinks he is dead or has lost part of his organs and totally denies that he exists, gradually starting to no longer take care of themselves or manifest suicidal instincts. In any case, nothing manages to have any emotional relevance for the person anymore, to the point that the only way to rationally explain this total absence of emotions is to believe that he is dead. Thanks for listening, JeanPaul
Steven & Jerry, are two friends who find themselves in an extreme situation to test their bond that dates back to early childhood...from the memories of the past they return to the present and here their vision of the present is quite similar, they are all and two dissatisfied with the decay of values, the poor economic prospects, the lost serenity, thanks for listening...JeanPaul
Many of the programming techniques perfected in these mind control experiments are applied on a mass scale through the mass media. Mainstream news, movies, music videos, advertisements, and television shows are designed using the most advanced data on human behavior ever compiled. Much of this comes from the application of mind programming studies.